Monday, January 22, 2007


One of the first places we decided to explore was a placed called Montjuic (Mon-jew-ee). It's this huge mountain at the Southwest corner of the city which has been turned into a mix of trails, gardens, and parks, along with the Olympic grounds and the Barcelona Pavilion. In a day we managed to walk at least 6 or 7 miles on our excursion, which was lead by my daddy, and by the end of the day we realized we only covered about an eighth of the entire mountain complex.

I have to say though that all the hiking was worth it, because once on top of Montjuic, you can see the entire city of Barcelona. Everything from the coast, the Barcelona Cathedral, La Familia Sagrada, Jean Nouvell's landmark, and the rest of Barcelona's urban fabric. It was truly an amazing site to see especially at the beginning of our travels and to know that for the next four months we would be exploring almost every nook and cranny of the city we saw before us. Here are some of the views.


rangergil said...

Good looking man there.

Nana said...

What a phenomenal experience this must be for you! Enjoy yourself mija. You will never forget this! Miss you bunches. Love u. Awesome blog dude ; )

Auntie Mom said...

I'm jealous, I would love to be there. Glad you were able to share it with your dad...these are the memories you'll hold on to forever!!!